Sheffield Training School

Colon hydrotherapy academy trainer: Erica Hartley

My name is Erica Hartley and I own A New U, which is based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. The clinic was established in 2012.

I decided to do my colonic training with Rictat Colonic association after having a few treatments myself for a number of years. I have always been fascinated at how good gut health helps with all aspects of overall health and wellbeing.

Rictat Colonic Associated have always been there for me as support and I have been registered and regulated by them from day one. I feel it is important to have the training, support and regulation by a reputable company.

I thoroughly enjoyed my training with Kelly Hopley – Rictat Chairperson and I remember thinking then, that it must be so satisfying to be able to train and share the fantastic knowledge and world of colonics!

I began building my business and when I had been established for a year, I decided to do my advanced training. There is always so much to learn and whilst carrying out regular CPD (continued personal development) courses I have found these to be very beneficial in my colonic journey.

I have worked really hard to make A New U the reputable and successful company that it is today. I have so many wonderful clients and I have been on some incredible journeys with them to really help get fantastic results.

Being a Colon Hydrotherapist still surprises me now, over 10years later!

I was approached by channel 4 in 2022 to ask if I would like to take part in a TV show. Myself and other Rictat therapists attended the filming of the show called The Big Celebrity Detox which aired on E4 in May 2023, where we carried out coffee enemas on the celebrities. This was a great experience to really get the word out there of how amazing our Colonic Hydrotherapy profession is.

My clinic; A New U in Sheffield has won The Yorkshire Prestige Award for 2023/24 for Hydrotherapy Clinic of the Year.

Since Covid, I have noticed a positive shift; where more people are taking responsibility for their own health; they are looking more to holistic treatments themselves, which I feel is a real positive for our profession as a whole.